Manage hiring through an Integrated Platform
Manage hiring, reduce your time to hire, and never lose sight of good candidates. Recruiter friendly provides end-to-end support of the hiring process.
Find the best fitting talent
Automatically shortlist candidates meeting the criteria defined in the job opening.
Error free documentation
Eliminate the need to manually generate offer letters which are error-prone and also do not have a proper audit trail.
Identify and reward top performers
Motivated employees are the single most important factor in a business’s success and a well-designed and implemented Performance Management process is key in maintaining employee morale and focus.
Design your own PMS system
Companies use various processes, team reviews, project performance, and 360 feedback – EazeWork’s performance management module provides the flexibility to design appraisal templates and set a frequency as per your company’s requirements. The module allows you to align the team and employee objectives to the corporate objectives and continue to focus on individual performance..
Retain talent through continuous monitoring tools
Do not wait for scheduled review sessions, give feedback whenever there is an important event.